Back bending, August 2022
I repeat difficult asana. Ushtrasana, laghu vajrasana, kapotasana, urdhva dhanurasana are challenging asanas. Repetition is a possibility to realise that the body can relax into a pose. With each repetition the pose becomes a tiny bit easier. The discomfort fades away slightly. Repetitors allow to get deeper into a pose.
Sometimes I think that this is a nightmare to repeat a difficult asana that comes with a lot of discomfort. The opposite is the case. Usually the second try feels better. Often I can get deeper into an asana. The same is true for the third try. It’s getting easier with each repetition. The body gets used the movement. Deep breathing helps to relax.
The felt progress motivates.
I know yogis who repeated urdhva dhanurasana up to 50 times against the wall.
Usually three repetitions might be enough. To intensify the exercise I hold the asanas as long as I can. Or I set a timer for 1 min up to 5 min.