Back bending, August 2022
I’m through the back bending workshop. I watched all the 9 videos on Omstars with contortionist Ugi. It will change my back bending practice.
Ugi is a contortionist. She has been trained since she was 7 years old. This is for me enough qualification. I trust her and her method to improve back bending. She cannot risk injuries.
She advised to point the toes slightly outwards. Otherwise it will become difficult to move out of a deep back bending pose like urdhva dhanurasana..
Stretch your butt out. Ugi repeated this again and again. The curve of the spine gets emphasised before doing anything else. This is really the huge difference to my current movements. It feels better. I also allows me to go deeper into a back bending asana. I used to lengthen the spine.
The shoulder blades move together.
The head relaxes backwards.
This is the start. Then one can move the hips forward, without changing the curve of the spine.
The back bending journey can beginn.
We were taught a lot of variations, yet there were also repetitions of exercises during these 9 classes. Doing anything once is like nothing. Repetition is a key if one wants to progress. Holding the asanas for quite some time is another method to improve fast.
After an intensive back bending followed a forward bending position in order to relax the back.
I’m enthusiastic about these 9 classes. I feel very inspired. Many of the exercises will become part of my daily routine. Blog posts about these exercises will come.