Urdhva mukha svanasana is the first back bending asana in the Asthanga yoga practice. It’s part of the sun salutation. Adho mukha svanasana is the counter pose or the other way round. These two asanas are often practiced as part of the vinyasa. In order to intensify this rather soft back bending one can hold it longer. Primary series has so many more forward bending asanas than back bending asanas. In order to balance this it can be good to give a bit more attention to the few back bending asanas.
I’ll focus again on back bending the next month and perhaps longer. To look into the future is difficult these days. To plan a month shall be enough. Back bending doesn’t come easy. In daily life we often bend forward, we scarcely bend backwards. This is surely one reason why it’s so challenging to move the body backwards.
The last two years were rather challenging. Especially the last year with the threat by the German government to make vaccination mandatory scared me. This 'vaccination’ is a gene therapy and not so successful as thought in the beginning. The side effects are swept under the carpet. Whenever a person or even a population gets blackmailed one must become critical. I became critical. I read a lot. I did research and came to the conclusion that the vaccination is more dangerous than Covid-19. The Pharma industry tested a new product worldwide and the governments all over the globe forced us to be part of it. The Pharma industry had almost no clue about the effects of this gene therapy. I’m above 60 but a healthy person. Many younger people smoke or are obese. To treat 83 millions with the same therapy is nonsense. In the meantime it is almost general knowledge that this ‘vaccine’ destroys the immune system. People can get Covid despite being vaccinated three times. There are people who died after the vaccination. Despite all this the politicians want to force us to get vaccinated. Not once or twice, but up to 6 times or more often. Why?
All this scared me and weakened me. I read tweets and newspaper articles every day for hours. Sometimes I woke up at 4 am to check the news. I tried to find hope. I hoped that this all is not true, but it is.
I started to get out more often. I walked a lot. I took pictures. I focused on what I see, hear and smell. Yoga was often too challenging. I practiced irregularly. Then I reached a point where I thought that I must get back to normal no matter what, because it’s against my own interest to live in fear. Since then I practice daily again. My practice became a source of joy again. Somehow I find the energy to do this practice again. My days start perfectly with the yoga routine.
This Wednesday is a demonstration against mandatory vaccination and on Saturday is another one. In the meantime Germany is the only country in Europe that wants to force people to get vaccinated. The fines are high: 2.500 Euro each quarter till the end of 2023. Does this mean that I have to flee? It’s difficult not to desperate. In an hour or so I’ll go out, my whistle in my pocket. The demonstrations are highlights of the week. Almost always I talk to people who are well informed. They all want that our constitutional law and the right of physical integrity is respected.
Back bending requires courage and courage is needed these days.
It requires courage and strength to say ‘no’. We can exercise this.
Most people survive a Covid infection which is rather a cold. People with illnesses and very old people (above 83 years) have a higher risk to die. Looking at these figures I know that Covid-19 is not that dangerous as journalists and politicians want us to believe. Please make your own research. Then make wise decisions.