Forward bending asana, September 2022
On Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays I focus on back bending. The last practices were rather intensive. On Tuesday I realised that my sacroiliac joint was not so content. I felt a slight discomfort. I had to take care not to do the tiniest awkward asana.
Today I practiced forward bending asanas. And all seemed OK again. The body needs balance.
For me it’s good advise to practice forward bending asanas after having exercised deep back bending asanas. It relaxes the back. It balances the entire practice. It’s not about bending backward for 90 minutes.
Twists and forward bending asanas relax the spine again after deep back bending asanas.
I’ll take care of this even more from now on. If one is attentive, the body gives messages.
To practice primary Ashtanga on Wednesdays and Fridays seems to be very good. The body needs time to integrate new movements. It counter balances the days on which I focus on back bending.
It’s not about progressing as fast as possible. I want to avoid injuries.
Working on the core muscles also protects the back.
Counter poses are not boring. They can be very relaxing.
Paschimottanasana after urdhva dhanurasana was often too much for me as a counter movement. The back hurt. These days I move slowly into forward bending asanas.
Hanging forward is great. Baby pose is great. Also a simple squat pose helps to relax the back again. After these easier forward bending asanas my body is ready for paschimottanasana.
I learn to protect myself.
Take care.