Forward split against the wall, March 2023
In mid-March, I came up with the idea to focus on splits. I incorporate my splits exercises into my daily morning yoga practice. I usually linger so long on the exercises that I don't get to finish the Ashtanga yoga series. After 90 minutes, at the latest after 120 minutes, my concentration is at an end and also my physical possibilities. Since the exercises for the splits stretch both the hamstrings and the hip flexor, the exercises can also be understood as exercises for the forward bends and backbends.
Nothing comes from nothing. In any case, you have to practice. Of course, you can do it without an app. But I use a habit tracker. It also shows me how long I practice. The timer is set to 90 minutes.
With the habit tracker, I only record my yoga sessions. Everything else has been deleted. Practicing yoga daily is my most important habit. Everything else comes second. This focus also helps to practice. I am not distracted by other essential habits.
Equally important is the quality of the practice. It is more difficult to measure. Today, however, I took a look at quantity.
Sometimes I practice for half an hour in the evening. I don't record that. I only document what I want to do at least. That is already enough.
March was good.
One day I just couldn't. You also have to learn to distinguish if you're just not in the mood, or if some days you really can't do anything.
One weekend I was at a contortion workshop. Workshops are always very motivating. You also learn a lot of things that you want to put into practice.
Also in April the quantitative goal will be to practice 6 days a week in the morning.
I am curious if I could improve the splits until the end of May.
I am curious: Are there yogis who read my blog and also record how often they practice. I look forward to your comments.