Germany, December 2023, urdhva dhanurasana
My goal was and is to photograph the asanas of the four Ashtanga yoga series. Of course, you have to be able to perform these asanas first.
Well, I definitely wanted to get from urdhva dhanurasana to standing before I started photographing the 2nd series.
And I wanted to get the heels on the floor in pashasana before photographing this asana and then the next asanas. I also wanted to keep to the sequence.
I had set the bar so high that nothing happened in the end.
Who knows how long it will take me to get the heels in pashasana on the floor? At the moment, I'm happy when my fingers reach each other. I'm a long way from reaching the joint.
Coming into standing from urdhva dhanursana is very challenging. Who knows when I will succeed. In a month, in two years?
Next year I will change my approach to the goal of photographing the asanas in the Ashtanga yoga series. I will photograph the asanas that have reached a level that I am happy with. More is always possible. Then I will see which asanas remain. I can then devote myself particularly intensively to these hard chunks.
The journey then goes from easy to difficult.
Today I realized again how important it is to take pictures. They provide important clues as to the direction in which you can continue practicing. Taking pictures interrupts the flow. The focus is more on the pictures than on the exercise. But pictures are so helpful that I don't want to do without them. It's also super interesting to see the difference between feeling and reality.