Sirsasana July 2020
As I do this handstand training on, headstand becomes interesting again.
To hold this pose at least up to five minutes will surely better the ability to balance.
During the closing sequence of Ashtanga Yoga, after the second series, headstand is done a bit differently than on the picture. One shall lift the head. The chin moves to the chest. I found very very few videos on that movement. Kino had produced one. In order to lift the head, the arms must lift the body. this creates room for the head. This tiny movement requires a lot of strength. To bring the chin to the chest is not a huge movement, yet it’s a challenge.
Every asana gets more difficult when held longer.
For most asanas variations can be exercised that are more challenging.
How to get into an asana can be easy or difficult. To get into headstand with straight legs is surely more challenging than getting into the pose with bent legs.
Headstand can be rather relaxing.
How to balance:
The finger hold the head.
The arm position must be correct. It’s often said that the elbows shall form a triangle. Very often yogis have the elbows too far away from each other. My arms are rather parallel.
An even breath helps to balance.
Calm eyes help to balance.
The bandhas (abdomen and pelvis floor) shall be engaged. This gives a certain lightness.
Pressing the wrists against the floor stabilizes the pose as well.
Last year I went to Sivananda yoga. They always do handstand in the beginning of the asana series. They hold sirsasana rather long and do variations. Sirsasana is such a classic asana it’s worth to get to know this pose a bit better.
I knew a person who did only headstand, no other asana. He has found his asana, for sure.