What are you doing all day long?


What are you doing all day long?

This was a good question.

I try to answer this question for myself so often. Sometimes I find an answer, sometimes not.

Time runs through my fingers.

So often I think: No, impossible It’s already 5 pm. I don’t believe it, but looking a second time at my phone doesn’t change the result. BTW, has anybody still a watch? It seems so old-fashioned for me. Either people use a fitness tracker or a phone to check the time. Time can be measured in steps.

We all have 24 hours. Not a single person on this planet has more time on a daily basis. Our life time varies. Some of us become old, some die young. To be on this globe for 100 years is the fate of some of us. Considering the daily basis we all have 24 hours. We all have to sleep. How much sleep we need varies. We all must eat as well. Substracting all these activities there is still a sufficient amount of time for everybody.

What am I doing all day long?

This question arises at night when I check my calendar and when I plan the next day. Many activities are routines. I also look back. What was yesterday? There are always things undone. I tend to plan too much.

  • I practice yoga and it’s time intensive (2 hours).

  • Like most people I have to do chores and I cook every day (2 hours minimum).

  • I read, I contact friends, I blog, I write (2 hours)

  • I nap and we walk around to stay fit (1 hour 30 minutes)

  • I have not yet mentioned that I like to take photos on a daily basis.

I could go on. It is as if nothing is done. Most activities don’t leave something that remains. Perhaps this is it what creates the feeling that nothing gets done, that time runs through my fingers. I practice, the next day I feel stiff. I clean an area in the flat and soon dust clouds are there again.

Being organized and discarding things is an ongoing topic in my life. Having less things and being organized creates time. Time is luxury. It’s limited. How we spend the time will be one day our memories.

To have too many things is felt as problematic. To have not the tools that we need is experienced as an issue as well.

Too much or too less of anything takes away energy.

Setting priorities helps to create a satisfying day. What is important on a daily basis changes. Yet some activities give structure, they have to be done.

One of my best tips for myself is: Get up early, that is 5 am. When I have my breakfast at 9 am, I have the feeling that the most important activity is already done.

Feel free to share your tips. How do you make the most out of your time?