Balancing asanas


To try a pose is totally different than to look at it.

This one is easy, I thought. Twice I fell on my knees when I tried it the first time. This was it, I thought. This is not good for my knees. Usually I do this asana with the hand next to the foot. To balance is also a challenge, but not that much.

Being in downward dog with one foot in padmasana pose and holding the big toe is another challenge. I saw so many beautiful pictures on Instagram, so I tried it again. This time my hand was not so far away from my foot. Slightly easier poses often allow to study a pose.

To balance means to engage the abdomen. This stabilizes the body.

This is not a variation that I will integrate in my daily practice. Nevertheless I’m glad that I tried it.

My focus is back bending.

Today is Thursday. I practiced every day. Most practices were intensive. I know that I need a break on Saturday.