Matsyendrasana variation
On Saturdays I don’t practice Astanga yoga. If I cannot stop myself practicing asanas, I practice other styles of yoga. This morning I did pranayama and headstand. To change the order of the asanas makes a huge difference. In Ashtanga yoga headstand is one of the last asanas. In Sivananda yoga it’s the first asana of the series that the yogis practice. The body is still fresh in the beginning. It was easy to hold this asana rather long. I set a timer. One minute was over before I wanted to get out of the pose. Nevertheless after 40 minutes I lost interest to keep practicing. Tomorrow my yoga week begins. This one day off is needed.
We stay at home. It’s best weather here. It’s weekend and everybody wants to enjoy this spring weather outside of the four own walls. But this is dangerous. The pandemic gets worse, so we all must take care. Everybody shall stay at home. One might regret if one becomes too careless.
Not being able to breathe anymore is a horror imagination. Thinking of the possible consequences that getting the Corona virus might cause, makes it easy to stay at home. In a big city one meets people. It’s not always possible to stay away 2 meters.
Like every day I also cooked today. It was delicious. What gets attention, has the possibility to grow. Restaurants are still closed.
I have so much to do here. So many books sleep on the shelves, now I’ve time to read. I blog more often. I read journals and magazines to be informed what’s going on in this world. I’m busy as usual. But I’ll take care that I have time for yoga. This is my priority.
Take care.