Back bending - stretching the hip flexors
I put a block under the sacrum and stretched both legs. The goal was to stretch the hip flexors. Muscles stretch when they are relaxed. A deep and even breath supports that the muscles and the entire body relax.
It takes time till the maximum stretch is reached. After a while I could go deeper. Then I added variations. I stretched one leg to the ceiling. Then I changed the leg.
I also moved the feet backwards. It’s a deep stretch of the thigh and the hip flexor. My pictures told me that the upper legs were no more at the same level like the stretched leg. The bent leg was much higher. It didn’t feel like this. I moved the foot further backwards. This intensified the stretch.
With one leg bent, I realised that the shoulders lifted up from the floor as well. This is a sign that this exercise has still potential. Gravity helps in this position. The trick is to hold this pose long enough to get results. Two minutes up to five minutes will be good.
Next time I try the exercise with a towel or a soft cushion on the block.
When I started my yoga practice today, I felt stiff. Don’t expect too much today, I thought. I started slow and took it easy. Very soon my body become softer and stronger. The practice became so wonderful.
Practice with the body not against it.