Primary on Fridays
I think I had a balanced practice even though the focus was forward bending asanas.
A balanced practice covers different types of asanas:
forward bending asanas
back bending asanas
balancing asanas
side stretch
The many many forward bending asanas of primary get balanced on Sunday again, when back bending is the focus.
Today I was able to do three times urdhva dhanurasana. It was hard, but doable. I progress again.
I’m happy that I can still do one of the most intensive forward bending asanas: supta kurmasana (see picture). I take my time till I do the pose. I warm up the body. First I put one leg behind the head while lying on my back. This is more relaxing than septa kurmasana itself. I practice yoga nidrasana, eka pada sirsasana till I finally get to supta kurmasana. The pose feels already better, but not as it used to be.
The final goal is to feel excellent in an asana. The path goes from feeling discomfort to feeling great in a pose.
Practices like today give a lot of motivation to practice daily.
Tomorrow is a day off from yoga……