My yoga blog

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Yoga always reminds me to take care of my time. It’s limited. My yoga practice is time-consuming. I love to spend my time on the mat. We all have also other duties and activities we want to do. One must decide what is important and what not.

What are the activities I want to focus on.

When I practice I try to use my energy wisely as well. Extra movements are to be avoided. They use up energy for no good reason. Breath, drishti, body, mind become a unity. They all work together, this gives a lot of focus and strength. I focus on the present.

Concentration is as important as any asana. My ability to concentrate has improved a lot during the last years. It’s easier to stay focused when practicing in a group. I was able to bring this focused atmosphere to my home practice. Otherwise it wouldn’t be possible to practice 2 hours without interruption.

When I practice, I practice.

On Thursdays and Fridays I want to practice the Ashtanga yoga series without many extra exercises. During the other days flow is sometimes interrupted because I use blogs and do extra exercises. I always keep breathing. I almost never leave the mat.

The pictures that I take are not taken during my morning practice anymore.

In the film ‘The breathing God’ students wanted to learn yoga to improve their concentration. Without focus and concentration learning becomes impossible.

it is a general skill.

Distraction makes it often impossible to accomplish anything. The energy goes in all directions. It has not intention, no focus, no direction.

In the long run being able to concentrate betters life.

Concentration can be learned gradually. Beginner of Ashtanga Yoga practice the sun salutations and the first asanas. Then they move to the closing sequence. A practice might last 15 minutes. With every new asana the practice lasts longer, the student has to concentrate longer. The practice builds up gradually. A few years ago I was able to focus 2 and a half hours.

Setting a timer is. trick. Everything that has a beginning and an end seems doable. Between time A and time B I do a certain activity. This is a clear message.

Stay focused. Stay present.

Focusing on one activity is enough.